Wednesday, April 18, 2007

An apple a day....

Got this little treat pushed into my hands 2 weeks ago in the Durban CBD. Why was i in the CBD walking so purposefully with a laptop? A facking large company i shall not name has a no parking for visitors policy, nice, especially when the closest parking was 4 blocks away..... Anyhow lets not wait any longer. Feast your eyes on this piece of marketing magic from one Proffessor (sic) Dumba:

A few things to note here, other than the glaringly obvious gems that litter his profile of services:

Proffessor Dumba decided he would not be happy at all with a menial doctors title, fuck that, he shot high! A Proffessor, although horribly misspell comes with so much more credibility for the, no doubt, extremely intelligent target market.

He's open all the time, good thing that considering the flocks of people who need help making more rounds during sex..... Rounds? WTF

Anyone who can help with diabetes and controlling early ejaculation deserves to be a Proffessor in my book!

He brings back your stolen stuff. This is a groundbreaker, is he the guy who stole my blue Golf in 2000 in Musgrave Road?

I have kindly left the Prof's contact details should anyone feel the need to further enlighten or entertain themselves.

My personal favorite has to be the subtle advertising of the printers who produced this little cracker. Freedom Printers you winners! Who wouldnt want to be associated with this incredible man. Co-branding at its best!

Gotta love Africa!


Don said...

Hehe. Got a similar one on my Free Advertising post a few weeks ago. Classic!

Billy said...

thats a classic Don!
i see you also got "make more rounds in bed" but your winner must be:
l can help you in penies problems (making it strong)

How the hell does someone like that get his/her wares on the net?

Don said...

Yeah now we know that anyone can sell anything online, or, at least try anyway.

Billy said...

Its a dark day for the internet!

Anonymous said...

How does it deal with diabetes and the tokoloshe?

Hey! I need me some of that shiiit!

Billy said...

Hello there HPF. Good to hear from you.

constant drama said...

HAHAHAHA!! Hillarious.

The name itself is 'Dumb-a'. Is it short for Dumb-ass?

Anonymous said...

horribly misspell, don`t see much difference between you and proffessor!